N9-OS / Powerful Privacy Protection

Coming Soon:

N9-OS 2024 based on kernel k6.6.25

N9-OS… Powerful Privacy Protection

N9-OS => Zero-Trace Zero-Telemetry RAM-based-OS.
N9-OS => Always a 100% Clean OS after Startup/Reboot.
N9-OS => Always a 100% Secure OS after Startup/Reboot.
N9-OS => Always a 100% Private OS after Startup/Reboot.
N9-OS => Immutable RAM-core with Checksum Protection.
N9-OS => Immutable RAM-core with Baseline Protection.
N9-OS => Immutable RAM-core with Firewall Protection.
N9-OS => Quadruple Code Integrity (2 x RAM, 2 x USB).
N9-OS => Quadruple Source Sync before OS – Initialization.
N9-OS => Quadruple Checksum Checks (OS/File/Folder/Hybrid).
N9-OS => Single-Second-Code-Modification-Protection.
N9-OS => Post-Compile-Magic-Number File Count Comparison.
N9-OS => Triple Repo Support (Online – Offline – Failsafe).
N9-OS => Dual-Tier Client-Server Firewall Protection.
N9-OS => Ten (x10) builtin Firewall-Client-Profiles.
N9-OS => 300+ builtin Firewall-Application-Profiles.
N9-OS => Bottom-Dock with 99 predefined Applications.
N9-OS => 100+ Checksummed AppImages included.
N9-OS => EndBoss – menu with 1700+ Actions predefined.
N9-OS => EndBoss – menu with 90+ Search options predefined.
N9-OS => EndBoss – menu with 280+ text options predefined.
N9-OS => Use Sed/Awk/Grep without entering commands.
N9-OS => Multiple predefined Hardened TOR – Profiles.
N9-OS => 20+ predefined Hardened Browser – Profiles.
N9-OS => Auto-anonymization of media files before loading.
N9-OS => Auto-change Machine-id before Internet-connection.
N9-OS => Multilevel VPN Protection.
N9-OS => Multilevel DNS Protection.
N9-OS => Zero-leak Network Protection.
N9-OS => 37.000.000+ (DNS) Internet Threat Protection.
N9-OS => Flatpak Auto-Update Support.
N9-OS => Application Auto-Update Support.
N9-OS => Repo Auto-Update Support.
N9-OS => Capable of Loading Most Applications INSTANTLY.
N9-OS => Capable of Loading Most Websites INSTANTLY.



N9-OS… because Freedom needs to be Real

Table of Content:

  • 1. What is 9-OS?
  • 2. How does 9-OS Work?
  • 3. What makes 9-OS Special?
  • 4. 9-OS NON-Privacy benefits?
  • 5. 9-OS Server Backend?
  • 6. Why should I use 9-OS?
  • 7. 9-OS demo videos
  • 8. 9-OS GUI-screenshots
  • 9. 9-OS 500+ MDO (Menu Driven Options)

I. Nine-OS / What is 9-OS?

9-OS Anabasis Official Logo
N9-OS is a Zero-Trace-Privacy (ZTP) RAM-OS designed to Empower Privacy and to Strengthen and Embolden Liberty.

N9-OS is a Secure Private RAM-OS, which boots from a USB-port from where it loads itself into RAM-memory.

N9-OS can operate as a highly secure Zero-Trace-Privacy stand-alone OS or as a Client-Server Based Privacy Platform that uses the RAM-memory of your Laptop/PC to offer a Fast, Secure, 100% Private OS-environment that stores all user traces, profiles etc into RAM-memory, allowing you to exercise your Basic Human Right to Privacy without leaving a single trace on the hardware you use.

N9-OS is a “volatile” OS, meaning that it ceases to exist once the power is turned off.

N9-OS NEVER touches the hard disk or any existing pre-installed operating systems.

N9-OS alters or changes NOTHING on your existing OS-environment and can therefore be used as an OS on top of your existing Windows installation, strongly improving the perceived value of your hardware in terms of Privacy and Security.

N9-OS loads a 100% Fresh Clean copy of itself into RAM-memory every time it loads/boots from the USB-stick.

II. N9-OS / How does N9-OS work?

9-OS Anabasis Official Logo
N9-OS is a 100% Mobile RAM-based OS, that doubles the value of your hardware and Powerfully Improves the Speed and Privacy of your Internet Experience.

N9-OS is a USB-based OS, meaning that to use N9-OS, you will need to connect the N9-OS USB-stick to an available USB-port and then point the BIOS of your hardware to this USB-stick. The OS is 100% mobile; you can use it on any device that has 16GB of RAM (or more). N9-OS will boot from USB and divide the available RAM it encounters in two separate units: one half will be used as “ordinary RAM” while the other half of the available RAM is formatted/used as a RAM-drive onto which N9-OS loads/installs itself using an install script.

At present N9OS supports four different modes of operation:

  1. By default N9-OS will run as a RAM-OS using the N9-OS USB-stick to load additional stuff into RAM (for example Flatpaks).
  2. N9-OS uses the “/home/guest/bin” on the RAM-drive as its OS-source-directory. After its initial installation N9-OS transforms this RAM-drive “/home/guest/bin” OS-source-directory into a symbolic link on the USB-drive to optimize the RAM-drive availability. If you have 32 GB of RAM (or more) this symbolic link substitution can be prevented from occurring simply by disabling the corresponding line in the install script and/or by executing an included script that will do the job for you.
  3. N9-OS can run without the USB-drive connected. N9-OS will ALWAYS work, regardless IF the USB-drive is connected or not because it is a RAM-OS, meaning that it is loaded/located in RAM-memory and operates from within RAM-memory. Certain components however, such as Flatpaks, AppImages, etc. CANNOT exist solely in RAM because it would require more than 50GB of RAM to make it so. Hence, with the N9-OS USB-stick connected you will have the FULL AWESOME POWER of N9-OS at your fingertips (including Flatpaks, AppImages, EndBoss – menu etc), without the N9-OS USB-stick connected N9-OS will run in CORE-Modus as a fully functional RAM-OS with a necessary set of additional data components available. N9-OS will always warn you IF and WHEN you try to load/use a component that requires the N9-OS USB-stick be connected IF and WHEN it is running without the N9-OS USB-stick connected as such.
  4. N9-OS exists as an encapsulated checksummed (.sqfs) – precompiled bootable ultrasecure RAM-OS using Linux Kernel 6.0.12. You can also run N9-OS as an “add-on environment” turning the basic functionality of a bootable LIVE-CD (be it a real DVD or an image written/loaded from a USB-drive) into a Complete Ultrasecure RAM-based Client-Server Privacy Platform without the need for additional configuration, simply by executing the “9OS.AIO.Startup-Script.sh” – script.

III. N9-OS / What makes N9-OS special?

9-OS Anabasis Official Logo
N9-OS Secures and Protects EVERY aspect of your Intenet Experience, not just your IP-address.

N9-OS is a 100% Mobile 100% Private 100% Secure OS, designed to treat you like a Human Being.

N9-OS runs entirely from RAM-memory without leaving any traces on your hardware and does NOT log or collect any data whatsoever, in any way, shape or form, NOR does it use telemetry or cookie declarations to harm your privacy in a seemingly legal manner.

Some of the features that make N9-OS Much More Secure than an “ordinary OS” and/or simply relying on an “ordinary” VPN-provider:

  1. The OS itself operates from RAM in a traceless manner. N9-OS loads a FRESH copy of itself into RAM every time it boots.
  2. N9-OS boots from an encapsulated CHECKSUMMED kernel, meaning a 100% guaranteed Virus/Malware/Backdoor – free OS.
  3. N9-OS comes with ten (10) pre-configured Firewall profiles, Auto-Firewalling the RAM-OS for additional Privacy/Security.
  4. N9-OS uses multiple loops to Auto-secure and Auto-correct your DNS-settings to ALWAYS Auto-protect Your DNS data-flow.
  5. N9-OS comes with a pre-configured Application-Shield that will prevent Applications from connecting to the Internet Until VPN is Active.
  6. N9-OS comes with TRIPLE VPN-connection protection. IF the VPN-connection drops Running Applications are killed Immediately.
  7. N9-OS comes with TRIPLE VPN-connection protection. IF the VPN-connection drops the Firewall Auto-Blocks ALL Network Traffic.
  8. N9-OS comes with TRIPLE VPN-connection protection. IF the VPN-connection drops an Unsurpassable DNS-Blackhole Emerges.
  9. N9-OS is capable of enforcing Exemption-based DNS-protection, BLACKLISTING the Entire Internet in a manner similar to a Firewall.
  10. N9-OS comes with a single-click-install Privoxy-Squid Encrypted LAN-WAN Proxy-chain designed to secure your LAN-traffic.
  11. N9-OS supports menu-based pre-configured DNS-protection levels ranging from LITE to ULTRAPARANOID.
  12. N9-OS comes with fully pre-configured pre-scripted menu-based support for using (up to 200) FLATPAK – applications in a Secure Traceless manner.
  13. N9-OS comes with fully pre-configured pre-scripted menu-based support for using (up to 99) AppImage – applications in a Secure Traceless manner.
  14. N9-OS uses 2 (two) OFFLINE USB-based software repositories guaranteeing Long-Term OS-stability and End-User Satisfaction.
  15. N9-OS protects Your Media Privacy by building Anonymized Numerical Chains BEFORE loading (Image and Video) data into an application.
  16. N9-OS comes with its own “EndBoss” – Menu which allows you to control/execute 500+ MDO (Menu Driven Options) – options from a Single Interface.
  17. N9-OS comes with a pre-scripted GUI-environment that allows you to launch up to a hundred applications in a “Click-and-Go” – manner.
  18. N9-OS Deep Flatpak-Integration allows for the seamless effortless single click auto-updating of 200 Flatpak Applications.

N9-OS secures and protects EVERY ASPECT of your Internet Communication not just your IP-address.

 Browser Fingerprinting
The Multi-Faceted Threat of Browser Fingerprinting

In today’s surveillance society it is almost a joke to pretend that changing your IP-address is sufficient to protect your Privacy. 

Changing your IP-address is NOT sufficient to protect Your Basic Human Right to Privacy.

Real Privacy demands a Traceless OS while countering/preventing Software Telemetry, changing the MAC-address, IP-address and Machine-ID involved, loading clean hardened Browser – profiles BEFORE every Internet session, strongly clamping down on JavaScript, changing/masking your Browser Profile User Agent, Preventing/Avoiding being subjected to Canvas, Audio, System Fonts, Browser ID’s, Add-ons, persistent cookies and other forms of remote Browser Finger-print technologies and above all PREVENTING your OS from becoming a source of data-accumulation with regards to your actual use of the Operating System and the Internet as such.

9-OS Powerful Privacy Protection
N9-OS recognizes Your Basic Human Right to Privacy at a software level and aims to GUARD and PROTECT your Humanity as best it knows how.

N9-OS 2023 uses a combination of a Checksummed Zero-Trace RAM-OS, MAC-Address Spoofing, Machine-ID Rotation, an Application Shield, State-of-the-Art Future Proof Elliptic Curve Encryption, Mandatory Preloading of Clean Hardened Browser Profiles, Auto-Cleaning-Loops, Auto-Firewalling, Local Proxy Filtering, Numerical Media Anonymization, DNS and VPN Connection Status Agents, Powerful exemption-based DNS blacklisting and Dual-Tier-Encrypted VPN-Stunnel Chains with AI-enhanced DNS-Syntax-Scanning and a Huge (4.000.000+ ) Threat Detection Database to Guard Your Basic Human Right to Privacy.

IV. N9-OS / What if I don’t care about my Privacy, could I still benefit from using N9-OS?

9-OS Anabasis Official Logo
N9-OS ANABASIS Deep Flatpak Integration allows you to Install/Update 200 Different Flatpak Applications with a proven 100% Succes Rate.

Due to its extensive pre-configured use of USB-based Flatpak Applications and AppImages the N9-OS Application environment is largely independent from the Kernel Version in use. (to provide you with a practical real-world example of this Kernel Independence, 200 out of 200 Flatpak Applications — a staggering 100% Success Rate – remained fully functional when testing N9-OS with the newest 6.0.12 – kernel versus the original 5.9.16 – kernel, while 93 out of 99 AppImages remained fully functional.) In other words:

N9-OS 2023 makes Installing/Updating/Using Newer versions of your favorite FlatPak – software a Relaxed Joyfull Experience with a 100% Succes Rate.

Besides excellent Flatpak Support N9-OS comes with a fully pre-configured GUI-environment making it the most Easy-2-Use Ready-2-Go Linux OS in existence. N9-OS comes with one hundred (100) pre-configured pre-scripted Open Source Applications ready-for-use, utilizing Cairo-Dock as a Bottom Dock GUI-Application-Launcher.

Linux being Linux, and Bash being Bash, the Linux Terminal will continue to serve as the Heart and Soul of Linux.

To help you take the edge of this somewhat daunting experience, especially for Noobs and/or former Windows users, N9-OS has a socalled “EndBoss – menu” which gives you direct access to hundreds of pre-configured Menu-based “pick-and-choose” terminal command options, allowing you to do a lot of fun stuff without the need to memorize or know the necessary terminal commands upfront.

With the “EndBoss – menu” you can gradually get used to the concept that with N9-OS, You will be treated like an Adult, a Valuable Human Being worthy of Privacy and Human Dignity, able and capable of making Your Own Intelligent Decisions, rather than experiencing yourself a toddler overwhelmed by shiny icons, babbling halfwits and a terrifying machinery hellbent on surveilling/recording your every thought and move.

Another cool feature of N9-OS is that it supports a DNS-Blackhole Modus called “ANABASIS”, where DNSMasQ blocks/locks the Entire DNS Infrastructure of the Internet while ONLY allowing hosts-entries to resolve DNS-queries, completely annihilating any and all unwarranted interference with your DNS-traffic, reducing the loading/rendering of some of the most media intensive websites (such as nba.com, twitch.tv, news sites etc) to one or two seconds where a normal browser, at best, would need twenty to thirty seconds to load such media heavy web-sites.

Dude, I really don’t care about surveillance or my web pages loading a little slower but I kinda hate ads and the idea of being followed around the Web by commercial entities, will using N9-OS solve this problem for me?

Yes, most definitely.

One of the more pleasant side-effects of N9-OS powerful syntax-based DNS-filtering is that it is capable of stopping almost all Ads, Tracking and Telemetry BEFORE such DNS-queries reach the (DNS-based architecture of the) Internet, allowing you to experience an (almost) AD-FREE Surveillance-Free Internet environment without the need for additional browser-plugins, in turn increasing your Anonymity while decreasing your Visibility in terms of Browser Fingerprinting.

V. N9-OS / IF N9-OS operates as a Client-Server based Privacy Platform what does the Server Backend do?

9-OS Anabasis Official Logo
The N9-OS Server Backend uses AI-enhanced DNS-Syntax-Scanning and a Huge Threat Detection Database to Block/intercept Attacks against your Privacy that the N9-OS Client may have failed to detect.

First and Foremost N9-OS will happily and securely function as a Stand-Alone OS if you wish it to do so. Connecting N9-OS to our Powerful Privacy Focused Server Back-end serves to strengthen its Ability to Protect and Secure Your Basic Human Right to Privacy in the following ways:

  1. First and foremost the N9-OS Server Backend functions as a VPN-Gateway-Array, consisting of 10 (ten) different VPN-servers, protecting your internet traffic and IP-address with State-of-the-Art Elliptic Curve Encryption, offering much higher throughput than a “regular” VPN-provider using “traditional” RSA – encryption.
  2. The N9-OS Server Back-end places a powerful IPv4-IPv6 Firewall environment between You and the Internet.
  3. N9-OS gives you access to 10 (ten) different Second-Tier Stunnel – servers which guarantee a Professional Level of Privacy and Dual-Tier-Security that offers 100% Secure Private Network Traffic. The inner (encrypted) Stunnel-tunnel simply “dies” if the outer (encrypted) VPN-tunnel becomes unavailable, guaranteeing — with 100% certainty — that NO individual network packets, will ever leave your hardware device unencrypted.
  4. The VPN-gateways and Stunnel-Exit-Nodes use a combination of AI-enhanced DNS-Syntax-Scanning (nicknamed “Lemon|Dog”) and a Huge (4.000.000+ ) Threat Detection Database to Block/Intercept any and all threats to your Privacy that the N9-OS Client may have failed to detect.

VI. N9-OS / Why Should I use N9-OS?

A Functioning Democracy DEMANDS Truth to Be Present and most of all… P-R-I-V-A-TE.

N9-OS users can be divided into several distinct categories:

  • Some will use N9-OS because it annihilates Tracking, Telemetry and Script – delays with regards to loading webpages, offering the world’s fastest web browsing experience.
  • Some will use N9-OS because it is the best and most complete Mobile USB-based OS-Solution that makes it extremely easy to work from home and/or on the road. N9-OS includes Access to 2 (two) Cloud-Storage-Units and 1 (one) UltraSecure FTP-Server, allowing you to store YOUR important data online.
  • With Zoom, Skype, Jitsimeet <Video Conferencing>, Caprine, Discord, Element, Franz, Hexchat, Qtox, Session, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Webcord, Xchat <Chat and Messaging>, Dropbox, Megasync, Nextcloud <3rd-Party Cloud Storage>, MatterMost, RocketChat, Slack, Teams, LibreOffice, OnlyOffice, Ms-Office, Claws, Outlook, Protonmail, Thunderbird, Tutanota <Office and 3rd-Party Email> — Pre-Installed and Pre-Configured — the World is at your fingertips. Most of the aforementioned Applications being Flatpaks, meaning that they can be updated to the newest version with a single-click generic update option intended to update all Flatpaks (present on the USB-stick) at once.
  • Some will use N9-OS to enjoy the profound benefits of open-source software. With N9-OS Single-Click Install/Uninstall Menus you will have Immediate Free READY-2-GO Access to 299 Open Source Applications (200 Flatpaks and 99 AppImages) allowing N9-OS to present/offer THE BEST Return-on-Investment any small to medium sized company could ever hope to make.
  • Some will use N9-OS to secure their LAN-environment by pointing their web-browser on multiple LAN-devices to the Secure Encrypted Privoxy-Squid LAN=>WAN Proxy-Chain.
  • Some will use N9-OS to enjoy the multiple included hardened TOR-profiles and TOR-based Browser configurations which allow a more tailored and FASTER use of the TOR-network when compared to using the default TOR-web browser.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they understand the substantial Privacy benefits of countering/preventing Browser-Fingerprinting and loading/using Fresh Clean Browser Profiles whenever a new Browser-session is started.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they will appreciate its ability to Auto-Firewall, Auto-Protect and Auto-Secure HTTP/DNS – traffic.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they have a professional need for Confidentiality and Privacy (Lawyers, Doctors, Journalists and so on).
  • Some will use N9-OS to protect the Privacy and Safety of their family and children because N9-OS does NOT store any data whatsoever and offers near perfect protection against Ads, Tracking and Telemetry.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they are concerned about the Practical Implications of Mass-Surveillance: Credit Scores, Consumer Analytics, Sexual and/or Religious orientation and so on.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they are concerned about the Moral and Philosophical implications of Mass-Surveillance and are adept at extrapolating (pardon the French) past events into the future. The Author, Coder and IT-specialist known as “Mako-the-Engineer” should be included in this Category. Mass-Surveillance represents a Moral and Intellectual Abyss with regards to its Fundamental Denial of the Importance of Independent Truth throughout the Public and Private Domain, threatening the important work of Journalists, Lawyers, Doctors, Artists while deteriorating/shattering and ultimately abolishing one of the most fundamental safeguards of the Rule of Law… PROPORTIONALITY. A) Mass-Surveillance obliterates the lawful boundary of PROPORTIONALITY, effectively dehumanizing entire populations to catch a couple of bad apples, and B) “It is Weakness rather than Wickedness which renders men unfit to be trusted with absolute power.” (John Adams). For additional philosophical objections and arguments against the unbridled use of Mass-Surveillance check out this link.
  • Some will use N9-OS because they are slightly Paranoid and will come to appreciate N9-OS ability to build 5 (five) – node VPN-Stunnel-TOR(x3) Chains whereas the Stunnel-exit-node (second node in the chain) makes it impossible to reconstruct the source of the traffic because the Stunnel Nodes and the VPN-Gateways do NOT log and/or store any data whatsoever.

But most of all we hope that the majority of the people who will use N9-OS will do so because it is a FUN operating system to use. N9-OS requires NO prior Linux knowledge whatsoever, all the hard stuff is done simply by executing an install script after which you will have a complete, secure, EASY-2-USE Powerful Privacy Platform capable of delivering REAL Privacy and Security rather than false-pretense and fake-bullshit “We care about your Privacy” – statements.

(Was Signed, April-10-2023, Mako-The-Engineer)

VII. N9-OS / N9-OS Demo Videos

Watch some demo videos (coming soon) with regards to N9-OS extreme efficiency in protecting your Privacy:

VIII. N9-OS / N9-OS GUI – screenshots

I. N9-OS 2023 Firewall – Menu

The Firewall – Menu consists of:

  • [FW-ID 1] => Allow ALL Firewall
  • [FW-ID 10] => Allow P2P Firewall
  • [FW-ID 3] => Safe Firewall
  • [FW-ID 2] => Local-Repo-Ony Firewall
  • [FW-ID 6] => Paranoid Firewall
  • [FW-ID 7] => Block ALL Firewall

II. N9-OS 2023 Security – Menu


The Security – Menu consists of:

  • DNSMasQ-Lite
  • DNSMasQ-Strong
  • DNSMasQ-Paranoid
  • Wireshark
  • GTKHash
  • ClamTK (Anti-virus)

III. N9-OS 2023 MultiMedia – Menu


The MultiMedia – Menu consists of:

  • Clementine
  • Audacious
  • Tuner
  • Freac
  • Kodi
  • Audacity
  • Pstube
  • StreamCapture
  • Handbrake

IV. N9-OS 2023 Internet – Menu


The Internet – Menu consists of:

  • Qtorrent (Enhanced Edition)
  • Quickshare
  • Onionshare
  • Megasync
  • Dropbox
  • Nextcloud
  • Tribler
  • Filezilla
  • Clipgrab

V. N9-OS 2023 Paranoid – Menu


The Paranoid – Menu consists of:

  • Element
  • qTox
  • Session
  • Veracrypt
  • Cryptomator
  • Encryptpad
  • Cipher
  • Passphraser
  • Proofkeeper

VI. N9-OS 2023 Social – Menu


The Social – Menu consists of:

  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • JitsiMeet
  • Telegram
  • Signal
  • Webcord
  • Deltachat
  • Ferdi
  • Hexchat

VII. N9-OS 2023 Office – Menu


The Office – Menu consists of:

  • Libre Office
  • Only Office
  • Office365 (electron client)
  • Teams
  • Mattermost
  • Seafile
  • Thunderbird
  • Tutanota
  • MasterPDF

VIII. N9-OS 2023 System – Menu


The System – Menu consists of:

  • Putty
  • Remmina
  • Teamviewer
  • Filesync
  • Dejadup
  • Kopia
  • Bottles
  • VMWarePlayer
  • Dbeaver

IX. N9-OS 2023 DevOps – Menu


The DevOps – Menu consists of:

  • Eclipse C/C++
  • CodeOSS
  • VsCodium
  • Eclipse Java
  • Netbeans
  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse PHP
  • PyCharmCE
  • QtCreatorCE

X. N9-OS 2023 Graphics – Menu


The Graphics – Menu consists of:

  • Krita
  • Inkscape
  • Gimp
  • Shotwell
  • Screensaver
  • Vokoscreen-NG
  • Converseen
  • MultiConvert
  • Blender

XI. N9-OS 2023 Various – Menu


The Various – Menu consists of:

  • Maps
  • Marble
  • Stellarium
  • Weather
  • GoldenDict
  • Translate

Single-Bottom-GUI Applications:

  • Show-Desktop
  • DoubleCommander
  • Peazip
  • Notepad++
  • Brave (Hardened)
  • Google-Chrome (Hardened)
  • TOR-Web-Browser (Hardened)

II. Seafile Cloud-Storage-Access

N9-OS includes Access to 2 (two) Dutch Cloud Storage Servers:

https://nlsf007.secpursang.net/ => VPN-Access-Only [20GB]

https://nlsf008.secpursang.net/ => VPN-Access-Only [20GB]

https://nlsf009.secpursang.net/ => Globally Accessible [10GB]

This means that you can store a maximum amount of 30 (thirty) Gigabytes of Data Online on our Cloud-Storage-Servers, spread over two different Cloud-Storage-Servers, using one-and-the-same VPN-account. These Cloud-Storage-Units are accessible using your Web Browser and/or Using The Seafile – Menu on the N9-OS Desktop.

III. VPN – Access

N9-OS includes access to 10 (ten) State-of-the-Art Elliptic Curve Encrypted VPN-servers. These VPN-servers function as Gateway-Servers (Entry-Nodes) for the Second-Tier High Anonymity Stunnel Exit Nodes, Storage Nodes and Application Servers. Besides their role as Secure-Gateway-Servers these VPN-Servers also support Extremely Fast Single-Tier-Encrypted Internet Traffic.

IV. Stunnel – Access

N9-OS includes access to 10 (ten) Stunnel High-Anonymity Exit Nodes. These Exit-nodes are ONLY accessible with an Active VPN-connection and as such operate as Dual-Tier-Encrypted (VPN-Stunnel) Dual Firewall(ed) Exit Nodes.

V. TOR – Access

N9-OS supports two types of 5-node (five node) Tor-chains making N9-OS the Most Secure Privacy-OS in existence:

  1. Pushing the regular (hardened) Tor-Browser through a VPN-Stunnel tunnel chain with a Forwarding Proxy on the Exit node.
  2. Connecting a (hardened) Waterfox Browser through a Randomly Selected VPN-Stunnel Chain with a Privacy Hardened Privoxy-TOR-Server on the Exit Node.

VI. Ultra-Secure FTP-Server Access

N9-OS includes access to 1 (one) UltraSecure VPN/TLS – FTP server. Based on your VPN-account you will have acces to 1 (one) Ultra-Secure Disk-Encrypted, Dual (Network) Encrypted FTP-server, where you can store up to 5 (Five) Gigabyte of Data in total.